Other unfocused adverbs and adverbials
In keeping with the general rule that the nucleus goes on the last in-focus lexical item, descriptive adverbs, i.e. adverbs of manner that modify the verb, do tend to bear the nucleus if they are at the end of the clause.
She ex▸pressed her views 'honestly.
He per▸formed 'brilliantly.
You should ap▸proach 'cautiously.
She ▸walks with noticeable 'limp.
We would divide them into two lists. Those in the first list are straightforward:
- then (inferential, meaning 'in that case', not 'at the time')
- though
- or so, even
- sort of (thing), as it were
- a bit
- you know
The ▸bride look 'beautiful, | 'radiant, even.
We could ▸just 'stay here | and ▸pass the 'time, sort of thing.
Her 'heath's pretty 'poor, you know.
- if necessary, of course
- please, thanks, thank you
- in a way
- or thereabouts
- for a change, for ...'s sake
- in fact, as a matter of fact
- I would/should have thought, I imagine
- enough
She was ▸rather an'noyed, | in 'fact.
▸How about dinner at 'home for a change.
The adverb enough is usually unaccented when it follows an adjective. As an adjective or noun, though, it attracts the nucleus in the usual way.
You ▸haven't promised e'nough.
》 ⤵Has he, indeed?
The word again, when at the end of a clause, is usually accented if used in its basic sense of 'one more time', since in that sense it is often contrastive. However, it is not accented when it means 'back to previous state', nor in other more or less idiomatic uses:
▸What did you say your 'name was again ?
Et cetera and its synonyms (and so on, and so forth, and whatnot, and stuff, and things, and the like, and such like) are usually kept out of foucs: