Independent rises

As well as for declarative questions in uptalk rises are used for short responses encouraging further conversation. They signal no more than that the social interaction is running smoothly.

〉 ▸Where are you ⤵from, them?
》 ?Norway.
With a rise on Norway, this could sound rude (suggesting, perhaps, that this is routine information that the person asking the question ought to know already). For a straightforward statement in answer to the question, use a fall.

Rises are also used for various interjections (see

) and for dependent parts of a larger structure (see
-4). But they are fairly unusual with the statements that are truly independent.
I ▸just ask for some extra ⤵time. | It's ▸perfectly reasonable re⤴quest
The rise here perhaps signals that the second sentence is not actually independent, but an afterthought to, or qualification of, the first.

Further discussion of rises in statements must wait until the analysis of prenuclear patterns, in chapter 5.